
Saturday, October 18, 2014


I choose to do a task on the effect of technology on language; specifically I choose to use texting. So I choose several articles by one of the experts of this field, David Crystal. At least one, in this case, ur a gd mn mr gum ;-) became my primary source due to its presences in a published magazine. It had to be in such a magazine because I choose to write two letters to the editor. I choose this format because it granted me the most freedom with regard content. I felt like it would be a good idea to show varying levels of understanding on the topic, thus I choose one to be from a poorly educated mother in Ohio, worrying about the education of her sons. I also wrote a letter as an English professor who has of experience with this first hand. But in order for it to be a letter to the editor it has had to be in reference to a particular document with many opinions and ways to fix the problem. My hope was to convey a side less seen in this debate. I wanted to provide some new ways of looking at text speak. And I think  I did so rather well.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort, however there are few grammatical errors such as 'regard content' when it should be with 'regard to content.' You might also want to rephrase the sentence 'to convey a side less seen in this debate' as i know what you're getting at but you could better communicate it. Finally your conclusion was somewhat casual and i would recommend not reflecting on your task and leave that part to the Examiner ;)
